Saturday, June 20, 2009

Topeka Tinman

I raced the Topeka Tinman in Kansas today! I finished 7th in my age group with a time of 1:12:22. My best time so far!
I had a great time. I was in the last wave of people. I started around 9am an hour and a half after the race had officially started. I was a little worried about the heat but race conditions were perfect. The temperature started to drop right as I was about to get in the water. It was still around 80 degrees but the cloud cover kept everything cooler.
The swim was a quick 300 yds. I only got bumped a few times nothing serious. This was my second open water swim and I still freaked out like I always do but this time it was with a little less panic. Something like "ahh so many people I can't even stroke properly" then "SUCK IT UP ITS 300 YRDS MOJDEH!" I talk to myself a lot during my races.
Then I was off on my bike. My transition took a little bit longer then I wanted it to. It was a 1:34. Which I guess is pretty good? I am now racing in cycling shoes so they take me a few more seconds to get on and clip in. I was very nervous about this part because I have only been training with the new shoes for a week or so. Everything went well. As always I kicked ass on the bike! ("Kicked ass" according to my standards) I averaged 17 miles per hour through the rolling hills and beautiful farm land of the "boonies."
I impressed myself when I decided to take my feet out of my shoes before getting to the dismount line. I have never done this before, but it is something that experienced triathletes do all of the time. The best part was that I maintained my 17mph!!! Oh yeah!
So I made it to transition. Slipped into my running shoes and was off on the run. My least favorite part because my legs still have not gotten use to cycling then running. I hate my legs for that! I was happy that the sun still had not come out. The run course was a little hilly. There were a few aid stations.
I had a very interesting encounter with the last aid station. I was so happy to be on my last mile and I was heating up a bit so I decided to get some water and pour it on my head. I ran through the aid station and said "water" the guy handed me a cup and processed to say something. I was running by so I couldn't hear him. I think he was trying to explain that they had run out of water and gatorade was the only thing they had left. I didn't realize what he was saying until after I poured the cup of gatorade on my head. I finished the race sweet and better smelling than everyone else.

Thanks to Bill the race director who let me do this race! I had a great time. Thanks to all the volunteers, I hope I made a few of them laugh.

 Be sure to check out the rest of their events this year!
June 20th, 2009
29th Annual Topeka Tinman Triathlon & Duathlon
Lake Shawnee, Topeka, Kansas
July 19th, 2009
5th Annual Midwest Mayhem Triathlon
Lone Star Lake, Lawrence, Kansas
August 23rd, 2009
27th Annual Jackson County Triathlon & Duathlon
Longview Lake, Lee's Summit, Missouri
August 30th, 2009 NEW DATE
6th Annual Midwest Meltdown Olympic Distance Triathlon & Duathlon
Lake Miola, Paola, Kansas

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