Thursday, May 28, 2009


While we were at the Texas Man Triathlon north of Dallas, we were lucky enough to meet the Smith family. They were extremely generous and of course the conversation turned to triathlons and how we got started. Here is Wayne's story:
At 37 years old I weighed 328 pounds and my cholesterol was very elevated.  I was taking Lipitor for my cholesterol and would get winded just walking up a flight of stairs.  The weight gain came gradually and I had made many attempts over the years to lose weight with just about every crazy diet there is.   I have two young daughters and I knew if I didn't change the way I was living I wouldn't be around to be a part of their lives.   One weekend my brother in law was racing in an event about 10 minutes from where we live and my wife had to literally drag me there to watch.   I couldn't understand why crazy people would wake up at 4:30am on the weekend to go punish themselves.   Little did I know that day would change my life.  After watching the event and seeing the joy and sense of accomplishment on many of the athletes faces as they crossed the finish I knew I had found something special.  I saw people of many different shapes and sizes and thought if they can do it why can't I?  After the event I talked with many of the athletes and I have never meet a greater group of people.  In a little over two years since I started my triathlon journey my cholestrol levels are better than average and I no longer need to take medication.  I've lost 100 pounds and am in better shape and have a nicer looking body than I did in high school.  When my wife saw how triathlon was changing my mental attitude and body compostion she started training as well and has lost over 50 pounds and made great improvements in her times.  Even my children have got involved in the sport and have each raced three races.  They can't wait until their next event.   Triathlon is much more than a sport.  It's a way of life!
He has since started to show his appreciation for the sport. Check it out.

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